Frequently asked questions

How long have you been in business?
We started the company in 2008.

Are you CRB checked?
Yes we are & we can show you our certificate when we meet face to face.

Are you fully insured for animal custody & public liability?
Yes we are & we can show you our insurance certificate when we meet up.

What is your procedure to get setup to book my dog in for walks/playgroup?
After our initial phone conversation we provide you with all of our information and the procedure of our business, at the same time we gather all the information from you about your dogs temperament, personality character along with health history. Next steps we provide you with our our company booking information then arrange a date for the first social dog walk/playgroup session. When we meet with you face to face we show you all of our certificates and insurance documentation and go through any additional questions you may have to make sure you are fully at ease with our service, we shall then proceed to take your dog out to our field for the first time to interact with our other clients dogs, your dog will have a full 1 hour group dog walk/playgroup session, the 1 hour session starts once all of the dogs are off leads inside our fully secure private field. On this first initial session we shall send you a text along with photo/video of how your dog is interacting and having fun in our group. We shall then contiune to send you updates via text/photos until your dog has settled in nicely into our routine and with their new doggie pals.

I have never used a dog walk/playgroup company before & I am feeling nervous?
We understand that you may be feeling nervous but we hope that by talking with us over the phone & meeting us in person you will feel happier placing your dog in our care.

I need a company that's reliable, will you ever cancel a walk with short notice?
No. Unless we are involved in a medical emergency, we have never let anyone down at short notice.

How many staff do you have?
We don’t employ any staff, Heather and Anna run the business, we are very precious with making sure that the services we offer are carried out to a high standard at all times.

How do you know if my dog will fit into your dog pack?
Prior to us meeting in person, we will call you to discuss your dog enquiry & we can decide together if your dogs temperament will fit into our dog walk/playgroup pack.

My dog hasn’t got good recall, can you still walk him/her off the lead?
Yes, as we have a secure dog field for small to medium dogs, group basic reinforcement training is included within the walk/playgroup sessions.

Can you take my dog out at a time to suit me?
Monday to Friday: Pick-up/Collections start at 10:30am to 11:30am, then head straight to our private secure local field for immense fun!
Saturday morning walks are available on request.
Note:In the summertime when it's high temperatures, group playtimes are earlier to avoid the dogs being in the midday heat.

How long will my dog be out of the house?
Usually 2hr to 2hr 30 hours, however if there is a smaller group on any particular occassion then the minimum will be 1hr 30.

How do you transport the dogs?
In an unmarked vehicle, please note your dog will be crated for safety when being transported, your dog will never share a crate with another dog.

How many dogs do you have in a group together at one time?
We are insured for 6 dogs to be in our secure private field at any one time.

Where do you take the dogs for walk/playgroup sessions?
In our local village area fully secure field which is for our private use only.

Do you offer basic training on the dog walks/playgroup?
Yes we do, but this is supporting existing basic training methods from yourself. If you require advanced one to one behavioural training we are happy to recommend local companies that can provide this.

I have a small dog will she/he be walked with dogs a similar size?
We only walk small to medium dogs.

Can you feed my dog after his/her walk?
Yes of course!

If my dog becomes ill on the walk what happens?
We will call you & take the appropriate action. i.e. arrange a vet visit if necessary.

How much notice do I need to give if I need to cancel a walk/group session & will I be charged?
We require 21 days notice otherwise we will charge for the walk.

Do you still walk dogs in bad weather?
Yes we do however on wet days we reduce the hour walk/playgroup to 50 minutes so that we can towel dry your dog before returning home. We do carry towels onboard but if you could leave a towel out for us that would be great. We are also more than happy to put any dog coats or jumpers on either before we start the walk/playgroup or after when we are dropping them home.

Can I book one walk/playgroup session per week?
No, we require a minimum booking commitment of twice a week.

Do you offer ad-hoc walk/playgroup sessions if I book a month in advance?
No, we require regular monthly commitment bookings. 

How do I pay you?
Monthly via Bank transfer please.

When will I receive your invoice?
At the end of the month.

Contact Tel: 07876 644120